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Scholarships and awards
Conditions of the postgraduate scholarships
Postgraduate Scholarship conditions
Postgraduate Research Scholarship conditions
A candidate selected for a scholarship is required to become and remain an Associate Member of the Institution for the duration of the award.
Details of the chosen research programme must be clearly stated in the application.
The applicant must clearly demonstrate how the remaining balance of financial support is to be provided.
An annual progress report, endorsed by the Supervisor of the Research or the Head of Department, will be required to demonstrate that satisfactory progress is being made so that the next instalment of the scholarship can be paid.
Upon completion of the research Award holders are required to provide a report to the Educational Awards Committee which is endorsed by the Supervisor or Head of Department. A copy of the Final thesis is also required, which can be a loose-leaf version or a CD. Failing this, IMechE is entitled to ask for a reimbursement of the scholarship.
Postgraduate Masters Scholarship conditions
A candidate selected for a scholarship is required to become an Associate Member of the Institution.
The chosen degree programme must be clearly stated on the application form.
Applicants must clearly demonstrate how the remaining balance of financial support is to be provided.
In the case of a part-time programme, renewal of the award after the first year is conditional on satisfactory progress being made. A report endorsed by the Personal Tutor or the Head of Department will be required.
Upon completion of the programme Award holders are required to provide a report to the Educational Awards Committee which is endorsed by the Personal Tutor or Head of Department. The report should include a copy of the project thesis or dissertation, which can be a loose-leaf version or a CD. Failing this, IMechE is entitled to ask for a reimbursement of the scholarship.