Frequently Asked Questions about the CPD Audit

How do I register my statement?

Please could we change that FAQ to read: Log in to CPD Tools to log your statement, or alternatively send us an email at cpd@imeche.org and we will log it on your behalf.

How much CPD is required?

CPD is unique and personal to each individual. The Institution has therefore made a conscious choice not to adopt an hours or points-based system and has no set minimum requirements for CPD activities. It's all dependent on where you are in your career.

What type of CPD is required?

CPD can include formal learning (e.g. attending a seminar), or informal learning (e.g. on-the-job learning). Your CPD can also be technical or non-technical. The type of CPD you engage in should align with where you are in your career, often shifting from technical to more management focused as your career progresses. Our CPD policy prioritises engaging in CPD that is appropriate to you and reflecting on your learning.

Can I fail the CPD audit?

There is no pass or fail for the CPD Audit. In order to comply with the CPD audit requirements you must simply engage in the statement selection process, and if relevant provide your CPD records for review and feedback. This feedback will provide suggestions on how to further your professional development, rather than pass or fail you.

How do I record and submit my CPD?

If you would like to receive feedback from us, you will need to upload your CPD record onto the CPD Tool on our website. If you do not want to use our templates, you are able to choose what works best for you by uploading your own documents (PDF, Excel, PowerPoint, Word etc.) to the document vault.

I’m retired, does this still apply to me?

Many of our retired members are still professionally active in the engineering profession and are therefore required to record some form of CPD. If you are no longer professionally active, and are not applying your engineering knowledge in a manner that affects others, then you are not required to keep a record of your CPD. However, you are still required to engage in the statement selection.

What happens if I don’t engage with the audit?

Non-compliance with CPD audit requirements puts IMechE membership and Engineering Council registration at risk.

I’ve received emails regarding the CPD Audit and renewing my subscription in close proximity, are these two processes linked?

Although these two processes are taking place at the same time and have the same response deadline, please note they are NOT linked and are two separate activities.

What should I do if I’ve struggled to complete CPD in the past year due to unforeseen personal circumstances?

Please reach out to us in confidence at CPD@imeche.org so that we can advise on the best way to proceed based on your personal circumstances. The Institution’s Support Network also offers a wide range of support to Members and their families. If you or a close relative need assistance or advice, please contact supportnetwork@imeche.org or visit www.imeche.org/support-network/ for further information.

Need some help?

Get in touch if you need help using CPD Tools.

Send us your feedback

CPD Tools

    Part of the Career Developer suite, this is a tool for professionally registered members (EngTech, IEng or CEng) to record their experience and professional activity, providing a strong framework for career progression and professional development.

Log in to CPD tools